Francesco Gabbani Wins Sanremo 2017

Francesco Gabbani has won Sanremo 2017 with the song "Occidentali's Karma.

With a super danceable beat and catchy chorus, "Occidentali's Karma" is a commentary on modern society and is receiving widespread attention across Europe. As a result of his win, Gabbani, who won Sanremo's New Artist category in 2016 with "Amen," will represent Italy in this year's Eurovision Song Contest in Kiev, Ukraine.

 Below is the final ranking of this year's Sanremo contestants:

  1. Francesco Gabbani-"Occidentali's Karma"
  2. Fiorella Mannoia-"Che sia benedetta"
  3. Ermal Meta-"Vietato Morire"
  4. Michele Bravi-"Il diario degli errori"
  5. Paola Turci-"Fatti bella per te"
  6. Sergio Sylvestre-"Con te"
  7. Fabrizio Moro-"Portami via"
  8. Elodie-"Tutta colpa mia"
  9. Bianca Atzei-"Ora esisti solo tu"
  10. Samuel-"Vedrai"
  11. Michele Zarrillo-"Mani nelle mani"
  12. Lodovica Comello-"Il cielo non mi basta"
  13. Marco Masini-"Spostato di un secondo"
  14. Chiara-"Nessun posto รจ casa mia"
  15. Alessio Bernabei-"Nel mezzo di un applauso"
  16. Clementino-"Ragazzi fuori"